Triple Helix

What is a Triple Helix? First lets start with a double helix, which is our physical DNA strands. A Triple Helix is a third strand of spiritual DNA which holds our spiritual gifts from all of our lives. This is also our soul memories and connection to source energy. The Triple Helix attunement or spiritual upgrade connects our physical body with our spiritual body. This process creates an anchor at each chakra.

What will it do for me? The Triple Helix first attunement will address the area of life or part of your body in the most need of attention. The following upgrades give you advancements in energy, awareness, spiritual knowing, intuitive abilities, health, grounding, release of anxiety, finding your voice, love, passion, and a overall wellbeing.

Is there any drawbacks from this process? That depends on if you believe "ignorance is bliss". Once done, you can't undo the awareness or advances that come with it. You will be at a different energetic level and there will benefits, denial won't be one of them! Be prepared to advance and release old baggage.

Does the Triple Helix have any side effects? There usually is some purging that follows the attunements. A feeling of being tired, emotional, hyper flu-like symptoms. All of this passes very quickly. 

Are you ready for the next level?????
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