human design

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This Guidebook has been written for information purposes only. Every effort has been made to make this Guidebook as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this Guidebook provides information only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this eBook should be used as a guide - not as the ultimate source

The purpose of this Guidebook is to educate. The author and the publisher do not warrant that the information contained in this Guidebook is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this Guidebook.


This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.


Table Of Contents

Human Design 101    4

Using Human Design To Find Love    5

Intro To Human Design    10

Bodygraph Cheat Sheet    14

Human Design: Generators Make The World Go Round!    17

Human Design and Work    20

Reflectors: Mirrors Of The World    23

Human Design and Friendship    25

The Projectors    29

Human Design And Picking A Partner    32

Human Design 101

We are all searching for someone or something that can help us navigate the challenges and questions that we face in our modern lives! More and more people are realizing that Human Design may be one of the best ways to optimize your very own personality to help you better follow your true “path” while we are on this planet! 

Now that may sound confusing! But, don’t worry! We are going to break down all the basics of Human Design and how it may help you lead a better and more purpose driven life. Imagine an intelligent system that combines many of the popular modalities of astrology, chakras, the I’ching and Myers Briggs! In the simplest terms, Human Design uses your specific date, time and place of birth to map out a protocol for you to best fit into this world. It also uses your specific chakras to create a living and breathing energetic roadmap for life. 

We spend so much time trying to fit into different aspects of our lives, we want to act a certain way or we think we should be at a certain point in our lives by a certain time…It can be a lot to deal with! Human Design helps us focus on what we truly are and what we should truly be doing, instead of what we “think” we should be doing. When you align with your truest self, things begin to come easier because we are not fighting with our innate human nature. It’s a simple analogy but it really fits in this situation. Instead of fighting the current and swimming upstream, we become one with the current and follow our path downstream. 

Your personal Human Design Chart, also called a bodygraph, can be found for free, on numerous websites and apps! The first time you enter your information and receive your chart, it might look a little overwhelming! You will see lots of shapes and numbers and you may be asking yourself “What have i gotten into here?” But rest assured, it is not as intimidating as it looks and you will quickly be able to use and interpret the information to better your life! Another aspect that makes Human Design so unique is the sheer amount of knowledge that can be gained from your Bodygraph! So get yours created today!

Who wouldn't want some extra guidance in life!? Especially nowadays! We just know that Human Design will be a game changer in your life! There is nothing out there that can help you learn more about yourself, your needs, your direction and how to better mesh with the people around you! There is so much more to learn, we wish you nothing but the best on your journey of discovery, and we are confident you will not regret taking this momentous step!

Using Human Design To Find Love

Human Design is a unique tool to better understand ourselves and how we interact with the world. One important area of life that Human Design can be particularly helpful in, is love and relationships. Understanding your own individual Human Design Chart can give you valuable and unique insights into the best ways to find love, choose good partners and create sustainable lasting relationships! Human Design can help guide you to a better understanding of when someone might be a good match, how fast to act, and what to avoid when it comes to navigating love and relationships. So whether you are completely new to Human Design or have been studying it for a while, I hope the following article can give you some new insight as you begin this journey and navigate the world of relationships!

The Five Types Of Human Design

Before we dive right in I just want to quickly go over the five different types of human design. Just like we are all magically unique and different as beings on this earth, each human design type possesses its own strengths and weaknesses. There is no such thing as a ‘good’ type or ‘bad’ type, you have to remember that! Each one is unique and special in its own right! Harnessing this knowledge will help give you a new ‘lens’ through which to view yourself, your aura and the way your energy interacts with the world. 

  1. Manifestors: This type is unique in that they have the ability to move energy into action.

  2. Generators: This type has strong life force energy, they are the builders, working to create things in the world. 
  3. Manifesting Generators: Have both the ability to move energy into action and follow through and build out their vision.
  4. Projectors: Are energy magnets and people are naturally drawn to them. They do not possess the forceful energy reserves of Manifestors and Generators, but their gift is in understanding how energy should be applied.
  5. Reflectors: They are the wise observers of life and have a gift for reading other people. They reflect back the energy they come in contact with and essentially become their environment. They are able to do this without effort, but can easily feel unseen by others because of it. 

So now that you have a better understanding of the energy and life force you bring into the world, let's take a look at how you can use your unique gifts when it comes to finding love.


You are the initiators of this world. When you feel a pull or connection to someone, go for it! Your impulse is typically right and you should always follow your gut instinct. The only time you may run into trouble is when your gut is telling you one thing, but you don’t want to believe or listen to it because it may not be the person or situation you had envisioned in your mind. 

If it feels right, go for it. Make the first move. Ask that cute stranger if they have plans later. Your energy is not for everyone, it will naturally repel people that are not right for you. But on the flip side, it totally draws the right people in even more. 

Just try to embrace yourself, quirks and all. You are a visionary. And visionaries often march to the beat of their own drum. Embrace your uniqueness, your drive, your passion, and your strong gut reactions to things. The perfect person is ready for all you got!


This is the type that should let the right person come to them. You shine your brightest when you are out in the world doing what you love and following the things that bring you joy. If you follow your heart, you will totally be an unstoppable magnet pulling all the right people to you. 

You also have a strong gut instinct that will always tell you what is right and wrong. Listen to it! If you take the time to tune in and really listen to your intuition, the right answer, path, and relationship will open up to you. At the end of the day, just have fun, do the things you love, and fun and love will come to you!

Manifesting Generators

Manifesting Generators are unique in that while their two main focuses in life are work and family/relationships they are wired to move at warp speed. They like to do things as fast as possible (say for example getting engaged before you really know a person) and are prone to skipping steps that they then have to go back and fix.

Although this type craves relationships and often has a steady partner they can have a tendency to get caught up in their own pursuits, and bring lots of energy to everything they do which can leave their partner feeling left in the dust, and unimportant.

It is important for you to remember to keep your partner in the loop, and if possible slow things down. You can easily go in a million directions but if you are able to stop and pause long enough, the right answer will come from deep inside you.


People are naturally drawn to you, but be wary of who’s energy you let into your life. The best partner for you is someone who makes you feel like your most true, authentic self. Like generators, it is best to let love come to you. Although, if you feel a magnetic chemistry with someone it can be okay to make the first move, just be sure the initial spark is there.

Projectors' natural tendency is to want to manage and direct others, so if they are not with the right partner they can come off as bossy or even annoying. Therefore they need a partner who can recognize that their motive really is to be helpful, not necessarily controlling. A good partner would be someone who wants to hear the projector’s opinion and is open to the wisdom they have to share.


One thing that is very important for reflectors when it comes to dating and relationships is to not rush into anything. Reflectors need time to set an intention, wait for things to unfold, and give time for the right next step to come (ideally waiting the length of the lunar cycle).

This type more than any other has an incredible knack for reading energy and truly understanding people on a deep level. They can be deeply affected by the energy around them and it is important for them to prioritize having a relationship with someone that is a truly good person with positive, caring energy.

In Conclusion

We all know the world of love and relationships can be challenging at times! Using the tools of Human Design is sure to help ‘level the playing field’ and give you more clarity! There is so much more to learn, so get out there and challenge yourself! You have everything you need within yourself to find love and Human Design can help us tap into that knowledge! So get out there, keep learning and good luck! 

Intro To Human Design

Who doesn’t enjoy categorizing and analyzing themselves? The lesser-known discipline of Human Design is similar to astrology in that it uses your birth information to generate a unique chart. It can provide you with an insight into your life, your purpose, and much more! So are you as enthralled by the concept of Human Design as we are? 

What is Human Design? 

In Human Design, we learn how to live in accordance with our inner nature, rather than striving after who we are not. It's a logical theory that combines I-Ching, astrology, the Kabbalah, and the Hindu-Brahmin chakra system.

Energy types and their strategies

Human Design is a helpful guide to live a more peaceful and balanced life that aligns with the way you naturally process energy. It is broken down into five types: Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors, and Reflectors, Each of the five energies provides its own definition of when you're most productive and how you take advantage of opportunities. Once you become aware of your Human Design type you may start to notice a specific feeling that arises when you're not in tune with your energy type. So let’s take a quick look at the five different types and how they interact with energy.

1.   Manifestor:

Manifestors energy is discharged in massive bursts and they value relaxation in between. One thing that Manifestors have in common is that they do not enjoy being told what to do.

A manifestor can see where things are going before others do, which is why, in between energy spurts, retiring into seclusion and giving themselves the space and time to enjoy what comes next are crucial to avoiding burnout. If you live by your design, you'll be at ease with your creations.

2.   Generator:

Generators are people who are passionate about something and have a continuous energy cycle that is meant to eat up their energy during the day and exhaust them by bedtime. They are all about hustling and taking advantage of the possibilities that come their way, be it a new relationship or other opportunity.

If you're happy with what you're doing, you're living your best Human Design. If you go into traditional overwork or people-pleasing mode, you'll become frustrated. This will make you feel as though nothing is moving in your day-to-day life.

3.   Manifesting Generator:

The energy of Manifesting Generators is a mix of Manifestor and Generator energy. Their method is to react and determine whether their instinct urges them to proceed. They do, however, have the Manifestor advantage, which means they can also inform — but only after they've responded.

If a Manifesting Generator is living their design, they will be happy and content. They become dissatisfied if they take on tasks or work that they dislike while ignoring the fact that they enjoy a wide range of activities, such as art and design.



Projectors are not particularly energy-efficient, they are meant to work for a significantly shorter period of time. They get their energy from other people and don't have a lot of it themselves. Because this kind of energy is created to be noticed, they don't have to work as hard.

If they try to force things and discover that their efforts aren't working, they'll become angry and resentful, which is a symptom that they aren't living their design.



Reflector’s energy, on the other hand, might be so erratic that they require more rebalancing than any other energy kind. Human Design recommends that reflectors wait 28-29 days — roughly the length of a lunar cycle — before making major decisions. Yes, that is how long it takes them to achieve the true balance of their human design. 

Reflectors should be amazed and delighted by the uniqueness of their lives if they're living in accordance with their true design. If they aren't, they will be disappointed that they can't keep up with the rest of the world, forgetting that they don't have to live the same life as others.

Bodygraph Cheat Sheet

Here you are! You heard about Human Design and you were intrigued?! You went ahead and got your personal Human Design chart made based on your birth date and location details. Now what!?

Ok, so you have taken the first step! Now you are staring at the strangest and most complicated chart that you have ever seen! You are probably asking yourself, “what have I gotten into here?” Don’t worry, you got this! Let’s break down a few of the most important “big picture” takeaways from your chart! You can always dive deeper, but this is a perfect place to start for someone just getting into the ideas and uses of Human Design!


What kind of things can you learn from your personal Human Design Chart?! To start, focus on these major elements of your Bodygraph chart!


 Manifestors, Generators, Manifesting Generators, Projectors and Reflectors.


What exact kind of person are you and what are your personality traits? How can the knowledge of these traits help you to better flow with the direction your life is supposed to take. When we are in sync with our natural rhythms, we are able to flow through life and life’s challenges with more of a sense of peace. 


Know your type and begin to research the different characteristics of your specific type! Reflect on how these correlate with your own life and experiences. Think about how you can better flow with this type!

STRATEGY: To respond, To wait for invitation, To inform, Wait a lunar cycle.


How you personally should best make decisions for your life. Your strategy can help guide you to what works best for you and what doesn’t. 


Strategy will help you take actionable steps to better navigate choices that arise in your life, based on your very own personality type.

AUTHORITY: Solar Plexus, Sacral, Splenic, Minor Ego, Self Projected, None, Mental Projector


Where to look in your body and with your bodily energy to make those important decisions in our lives. Look at strategy as putting the different paths in front of us and use authority to choose the right one! 


Use your Authority to help make better and more aligned choices. Look for patterns in the choices you have made and compare them to your Human Design traits!


You did it! You have gotten your Human Design Chart and now you understand the basics and know what to look for! Human Design allows us to go out there and walk confidently in the world, knowing that you are living in sync with your specific human nature. By adding the lessons of Human Design to your “toolkit”, you are sure to notice more harmony in your daily life, less doubt and hopefully a new sense of well being! 

Human Design: Generators Make The World Go Round!

So, if you are here with me right now and you find yourself reading this article…then you must have a fascination or at least some kind of interest in Human Design! Wonderful! As you are probably aware, there are four major Human Design types. The Generators, Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors…And no worries if you are reading this and saying, “What are they talking about?” or “I don’t know what any of these words mean?”. This article will help break down some of the basics and by the end of it, you will be ready to learn more!

Ok, so today we are going to be taking a deep dive into the Generators of the world, and there are a lot of them out there! Generators make up roughly 70% of the world's population! With numbers like that, you are almost sure to have some Generators in your life or even be one yourself. So you might as well get to know them better and learn how to better understand, flow, and mesh your energy with theirs! If you somehow don’t know any Generators, no problem…Wait a few minutes, walk down the street and you are sure to bump into one! 

Just like the name implies, Generators are motivated by action. They like to get things done and they like forward momentum. Staying still, remaining in one place, both physically and mentally, will not suit them! That doesn't mean that they always have to be doing something, it just means they would prefer (and work best) with some kind of overarching goal to be working towards. To back up for a moment, for everyone just getting started with Human Design, the Generator type is broken down into two major classifications based on their well defined sacral center, full on Generators and Manifesting Generators. We will dive more into the latter classification later on, but for now let’s just stick with the full on Generator type!

As mentioned earlier, Generators like to get stuff done! If we picture the world as a whole, and we know that Generators make up 70% of the world, then it’s clear that they literally help the world progress and create much of the amazing things that get accomplished on this earth. They are masters of problem solving, overcoming obstacles, and taking on challenges! Now this is not to say that other Human Design types are not goal oriented, or lack some characteristic of ‘getting stuff done’, it just means that Generators as a whole will benefit greatly and be at their best when confronted with forward momentum. They will be living in harmony with themselves when confronted with these types of tasks. Who wouldn't want to live at peak optimization, right? 

Generators can extract the most out of this life, when they are living in symbiosis with their true path. This need for forward momentum does not begin in their mind as many people might think, it emanates from deep within their physical form itself. We have all heard the saying, “trust your instincts”, but for generators this is the ultimate guide for living a meaningful life. They must trust their gut and follow that intuition to achieve everything they yearn for. The good news, which many people actually overlook or don’t think about altogether, is that ‘trusting your gut’ can actually be practiced! 

Now, I know what you are thinking? How can you practice that? Well, the best way is to start small. Pay attention to those small hunches that you have throughout the day. Listen to that inner voice, that soft voice that whispers to us throughout the day, and actually test out the things it says to you. Like everything in life, practice makes perfect, so consciously try and listen for that voice and see if what it says comes true! The art of this is not so much seeing what your intuition was right or wrong about, but more so getting comfortable raising the volume of that “voice” within us!

The reason this can be so beneficial for Generators, is that they strive for forward momentum at a literal cellular level! Getting better at listening and trusting their instincts will help them get to the places they need to go, faster and with more clarity than they ever thought possible. Since Generators help ‘make the world go round’, we should all hope they take a moment every day and practice getting in tune with their ‘gut’, so we as a whole can live in a better, more harmonized planet!

Human Design and Work

Your Human Design can reveal a lot about you, probably more than you can even imagine. It can tell you what your purpose is for this life, what strategy you should use to achieve this purpose, how you like to make decisions, what energy type you are, how you perceive yourself, how the world perceives you, and a lot more.


Understanding this wealth of information about yourself can help you be in tune with higher purpose. It can help you make sense of life and what path to choose in any sphere of your life. One area where this has a significant role is your career. After all, your career is what you spend a considerable part of your life doing.


Even leaders in organizations should look beneath the surface of their team members and understand their subtle nature. This will allow them to optimize the talent they have and assign the right person for the right job. All of this will translate into much better results for the organization. So, with this in mind, let's take a look at the four energy types.


1) The Generators (Builders)

The Builders form the largest category of the workforce in any organization (about 70%). As the name suggests, they are here to build things. In other words, these are the people you assign the work to.


The Builders provide the necessary energy to get things done and help the company grow. Now, there are two types of Builders. The first type is called the Classic Builders who get things done methodically (step-by-step). The other type is the Express Builders who get the job done quickly and efficiently.


2) The Projectors (Advisors)

The Projectors are the second largest category in any company (about 20%). They are some of the most diverse people you will ever meet and have a knack for identifying the most efficient way of doing things. They are basically the "seers" who can instantly spot any potential upgraded approach that the company can take in its functioning.


When they are recognized and invited, they can lead individuals, teams, and systems like no other. However, they are not meant to do the actual work. That part is for the Builders.


3) The Manifestors (Innovators)

These form the third-largest category in any company (about 9%). And as the name suggests, they are innovative in nature. They have immense energy and are meant to get things started. They bring a ton of creativity and endless possibilities to any company.


However, they are also independent and need their space to do their thing. They are not meant to be guided or told what to do. If you want to get the maximum potential out of them, you need to give them the freedom to initiate action and impact other people.


4) The Reflectors (Evaluators)

These are a rare breed and are hardly ever found in an organization. Even if they do exist in a company, they form just 1% of the workforce. They have the special ability to reflect on the individuals, teams, systems, and the company as a whole. They can tell you what's working and what's not working.


As such, they can help you evaluate the health of your organization. They can even boost the morale and energy of other people. However, they need the right environment to showcase their magic.

Reflectors: Mirrors Of The World

Today, let’s expand our knowledge base and dive into the world of Human Design! Specifically, let’s talk about the Reflector Type within Human Design. Reflectors are pretty rare and only make up about 1-2% of the world's population! Isn’t that wild?! So, if you happen to be a Reflector yourself or you are in a relationship with a reflector in some way, statistically you should count yourself lucky! The reflector trait possesses many amazing and special elements and just their presence alone can be a very unique and educational experience. Let's jump in and discuss some of the more interesting things about this rare type! 

We like to look at Reflectors as mirror’s in this life, reflecting to others the thoughts, patterns, flaws and misgivings that we may be trying to hide or are just not able to see. Imagine the power, imagine the gravity of that for a moment? Imagine having the ability to show others what they might not want to see themselves, their truest self. That is heavy stuff! But it’s not all about that, while mirroring auras is one large part of the Reflector’s personality, there is so much more! 

The Reflector is what we like to call, the great observer, because of their ability to see people for who they truly are. This makes them an integral member of any community, someone to be cherished and protected at all costs! Because of their aura reading abilities they can function as a kind of energetic barometer for any situation they are involved in. They can sense imbalances in the workplace, home or family, long before others notice anything. This rare ability makes them some of the most open individuals on the planet, capable of healing in ways that others can't. Because of this, Reflectors are always searching for the perfect homeostasis in their chosen environments. They need to seek out the right people and places to be a part of, so that they can live in accordance with their truest self. As you can see, a good and solid community benefits not only the Reflector but the community itself, and that is why we should all be so lucky to have someone like this in our midst!

Where other Human Design types have a special place within themselves for decision making, the Reflector does not. That may sound like a bad thing, but rest assured, it is not! This is just another example of one of the wonderous things that make the Reflector so unique! They must always look to the moon for guidance in decision making, so you could classify them as ‘out of this world’ unique! We have all heard the phrases, “Take a beat” and “Sleep on it”, no truer words have ever been spoken about Reflectors! The Reflector needs time and reflection to make proper decisions, more specifically they need to wait at least 28 days or until one lunar cycle passes before making said choices. 

Now I imagine it would be quite a shock at first to learn that you are one of the rarest Human Design types that exist and not only that, you must wait 28 days to make a major decision?! That might sound like a rough existence, but it most certainly is not! When Reflectors are aware of this need, when they practice it daily, they end up making more well balanced and sound decisions than any of us could hope for! I, for one, know that plenty of bad decisions in my life could have benefited from waiting a full lunar cycle! Am I right!?

There is so much more to learn about the Reflector type and I encourage you to dive in and find out all you can! After all, the well being of the Reflector is an exact mirror of the well being of the community that surrounds the Reflector. This is why Reflectors who are fully in tune with their abilities and energy, have the power to be the wisest and most open of beings. The quote, “With great power, comes great responsibility”, sounds like it was literally written for the Reflectors of the world! It is our job to help them flourish and live the best life possible, so that we ourselves can live our best lives! Help them and you help yourself! 

Human Design and Friendship

Do you ever wonder what would happen if life came with a user manual? All of the products and devices we use everyday come with user manuals that tell us how we should use them, what to do, what not to do, how to take care of them, and so on.


But unfortunately, we are all born without any instructions. And then, we spend our whole lives figuring out some of the most important questions - Who am I? What is my purpose? What am I capable of? How am I supposed to deal with challenges? Who am I meant to end up with?


Often, these questions lead people to the world of spirituality. And they finally learn that even though they are not born with a user manual, they can certainly build one. There are various ancient systems that can help a person create a map of their life which reveals some of the most important and subtlest things about them. Some of these systems are astrology, the chakra system, I-Ching, Kabbalah, and Vedic philosophy.


Human Design is a recent addition to that list. In fact, it combines all of the systems above and can help you to connect with who you really are.


Human Design

When you learn about Human Design, it can be a lot to take in at first. There is just too much information to make sense of. However, over time, you will become more adept at understanding what your chart is trying to tell you. You can then use all that information to enhance your experience of life in ways you couldn't have even imagined before.


Let's take friendships as an example. When you learn who you truly are, what you are meant to do, and how everyone is just living out their stories, it becomes easier to be compassionate and loving. Not only to others, but to yourself as well. And once you are self-loving and self-compassionate, it allows you to give and receive love and friendship from others as well.


Also, Human Design talks about five "types" of people in the world. Understanding these types can help you tailor your communication style accordingly, which is always a boon for any relationship be it romantic, platonic, professional, familial or anything else. But for now, let's take a look at the five types of people and how to best communicate with them in friendships.


1) Manifestor

Manifestors are meant to initiate things in the world and they generally move much faster than other people. They also need to experiment more often to see what works and what doesn't. So, if you are friends with a Manifestor, you need to give them space to be creative. You also need to ensure a peaceful environment for them, as that's how they know they are on the right track.


2) Generator

Unlike Manifestors, Generators are not meant to get things started in the world. Instead, they are meant to find what they love. They are meant to seek things that bring them joy. So, if you have a friend who is a Generator, you need to help them find activities that they can really enjoy. You can also give them things to respond to (like yes/no questions). These, too, might help them find what they're looking for.


3) Manifesting Generator

Manifesting Generators are more energetic than Generators. But they still need to find things that they can enjoy and care about. And like Manifestors, they can start conversations with random strangers. So, if you are friends with a Manifesting Generator, you need to help them find activities they love. You also need to give them space to help figure things out.


4) Projector

Projectors are meant to guide other people in this world. But they can only do so when invited or when people value their gifts. They often need to wait to be of service to others. So, if you are friends with a Projector, invite them to be with you and appreciate their gifts and talents. You could also help them identify the right invitations in life.


5) Reflector

Finally, we have the Reflectors. As the name suggests, they usually reflect back the health of the community they are in. They also need their own sweet time to make big decisions. If you're close with a Reflector, you need to be patient with them, especially when they need to make a decision. You also need to be a sounding board for them when they have ideas to talk about or decisions to make. And if they are not comfortable and feeling unhappy, make sure you change the environment.

The Projectors

Within the Human Design system, there exists a personality type that was put on this earth to help guide people into living up to their true creative potential! We are talking about the Projectors of the world! Estimates vary, but experts suggest that roughly 30-35% of the world's population are Projectors. That number is on the rise too, which is a crazy and interesting fact! Think about that for a moment, the number of Projectors on this planet is steadily rising! How cool! Especially when you know that Projectors are the ‘guides’ that walk among us on a daily basis, helping us navigate our modern world! Now more than ever, I would say that our society could use more guides out there, helping us reach a place of peace and energetic harmony! So, let's dive in and take a look at what makes these Projectors special and how that relates to us all!

What makes a projector a guide? Well, one aspect of the Projector that suits them as a guide, is their intense ability to focus on others, while letting their own personal issues recede to the background. This means a person could have singular focus on your energy and how to best help it, while not being concerned with their own energetic composition. They might instantaneously know what would benefit your life, while not being able to see the same thing in themselves. That might sound like a negative thing, but rest assured, every negative trait is balanced in harmony with another positive trait for the Projectors of the world!

Because Projectors are so in tune with the energetic responses of the people around them, they are also more susceptible to outside negative influence. With today's modern world, 24 hour news cycle and social media, Projectors need to work even harder to guard their energy and aura from outside negative forces. Because their aura is extremely open to energetic influences, they almost have the ability to attract people or things that will try to corrupt their happiness. If you have ever heard the term, “energy vampire”, you know exactly what the projector has to be on the lookout for! 


One of the skills and abilities that Projectors have, is the ability to concentrate or focus on an extraordinary level. This deep focus allows them to learn new things quicker than most people. They are apt in education and leadership of any kind and are excellent at studying and learning. When you say education, most people automatically associate it with schooling, but Projectors are master students at any task that requires learning. It could be a new trade or job, it could be a new hobby or language! Whatever it is, they have the amazing ability to focus and soak up new information at an astounding rate. They can see the smallest differences in people or things and clearly separate them into different categories in an instant. When in conversation with a group, they may have the ability to be deeply in tune with each individual separately and all together at the same time, while also seeing many steps ahead! Think about that! We are playing checkers while the Projector is playing chess! 


Projectors really come into their own in early adulthood and beyond. We all know what it is like to be bullied as a child, but the projectors of the world are a little more susceptible to influences of all kinds at an early age. This can be challenging, but it also provides a tremendous opportunity for growth. By the time a projector becomes an adult they have experienced and deflected more negative influence than others, making them more in tune with what to watch out for. Let’s talk about some of the other ways Projectors can help master their cosmic burden!

Projectors, especially as younger projectors, need to protect their energy! Some of the best self care for Projectors is by trying to really stay in tune with your day to day needs. If you are feeling off, make sure to schedule some quiet alone time! This will help you reflect and center yourself for the remainder of the day. Nature is your friend! Spend as much time in nature as possible. Nature, in its own infinite wisdom, holds no ill intentions. Therefore, it is literally impossible for you to absorb any negative energy while in nature. Start simple, try to get out for a walk every day and see how you feel! 

There is so much more to learn about the Projector type! It is without a doubt, one of the most intriguing of the Human Design types. If you have a Projector in your life, reach out to them and try to learn more. It will give you a better perspective on what they go through and how it relates to your own type as well! 


Human Design And Picking A Partner

In ancient India, astrology was heavily used to match two potential partners. This practice is still prevalent in many parts of the country, but things have changed in recent times. Even in the western world, partners often check their zodiac signs for compatibility (even if it is just for fun).


So, does this have any relevance? Can astrology help you find the right partner? Well, yes and no. Astrology can tell you whether someone is more or less compatible with you, but it does not take into account your ability to make conscious decisions. And since your decisions dictate whether something works or not, astrology can miss the mark more often than not.


Human Design - The New Astrology

Human Design, on the other hand, gives you much more information about yourself and how people operate in general. It gives you an understanding of the different types of people according to their energy and how they are inclined to function in life. There are basically five types of people: Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector. This understanding can go a long way in helping you pick a partner.


Plus, Human Design also tells you what your Authority is. Your Authority is basically the way you are designed to make decisions. Understanding your natural decision-making process can also help you realize what is right for you as an individual.


Below, we take a look at four ways you can apply the wisdom of Human Design and pick the right partner for yourself.


1) Work On Yourself First

This is perhaps the most important thing you can do regardless of whether you are looking for a partner or not. But it becomes even more important when you want to share your life with someone. That's because you can only establish a strong and loving relationship with someone when you know yourself through and through.


This is where Human Design can help immensely. It can help you identify your energy type and your truest self. It can also open your eyes to things that you might have never explored about yourself before. For example, it can reveal to you why certain patterns keep showing up in your life (like attracting the same toxic people, again and again). In the end, when you apply all this wisdom, you become the best version of yourself, and attracting the right partner becomes easier.


2) See If They Are In Tune With Themselves

You cannot nurture a strong bond with someone who is not in tune with themself. No matter how hard you try, you will always feel like the other person is not there 100%. It's not that you are doing something wrong in this case, it's just that they have not made their hearts fertile enough to plant the seeds of love.


This is why you need to make sure they are true to their innermost self and are in a state of acceptance. Only then can they maintain harmony with themself and the people around them.


3) Understand Your and The Other Person's Authority

As mentioned above, Authority is the way you are designed to make decisions. It's just how you go about choosing what's right for you. So, first, you need to understand your style of Authority. And then, you need to understand the Authority of your potential partner.


After all, if you two have opposing styles of making decisions, you need to keep that in mind before picking them as your partner. You will have to create an atmosphere where both of you can make aligned decisions for your future.


4) Use Their Human Design Love Language

Everybody has a love language, which is basically the preferred way of receiving love. Some may need more physical touch, some may need more attention, some may need more appreciation, and so on. You need to understand the Human Design love language of your potential partner before choosing them for life. This will allow you to make the right decision.


For example, a Manifestor energy type might need more freedom and alone time. A Generator energy type might need you to talk about options and serve as their sounding board. A Manifesting Generator might need you to be patient and encourage them to slow down before responding in the moment. A Projector type might need a lot of compliments and appreciation. And finally, the Reflector type may need your support to connect to nature and the lunar cycles.

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